
Stubborn fat that does not respond to diet and exercise can obscure the natural contours of your figure. Patients who struggle with localized body fat can achieve the smooth and fit physique they desire with liposuction. This tried-and-true procedure removes unwanted fat deposits to produce customized and beautiful body contouring results. Dr. Pedro Puebla develops personalized liposuction plans for every patient, ensuring that they obtain the silhouette that complements their anatomy and fulfills their cosmetic objectives. The details of your procedure and all aftercare directions will be discussed during your initial consultation with Dr. Puebla.

Ideal Candidates for Liposuction

Liposuction can be performed on various problem areas of the body including the abdomen, hips, back, buttocks, neck, arms, and legs. Ideal candidates for liposuction struggle with one or more of the following cosmetic concerns:

  • Disproportionate pockets of body fat
  • A lack of definition
  • Stubborn fat that resists diet and exercise

Liposuction Techniques

  • Traditional Liposuction: This technique involves injecting the target area with a tumescent fluid that contains lidocaine, which helps reduce bleeding and some postoperative side effects. A hollow tube (cannula) is inserted through small incisions and removes unwanted fat using suction technology.
  • Liposculpture: Patients who desire better definition may qualify for liposculpture. During this procedure, Dr. Puebla can remove and reshape the targeted fat to produce a sculpted and defined appearance.


Liposuction is a versatile surgical technique that can be combined with many other contouring procedures to deliver optimal results. Patients with multiple cosmetic concerns may want liposuction performed in conjunction with a tummy tuck, Mommy Makeover, body lift, breast reduction, or other procedures. It is also necessary for fat transfer surgery such as the Brazilian Butt Lift. After reviewing your aesthetic goals, Dr. Puebla can make the appropriate recommendations for your unique case.


The length of recovery after liposuction depends on the extent of correction during surgery. The required compression garments and aftercare instructions will be provided by Dr. Puebla to ensure the most comfortable healing process and with minimal side effects. Prescription medication may also be taken to manage pain during the initial stage of recovery. All liposuction patients are provided with a one night stay at the hospital for observation and to minimize the risk of postoperative complications. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled seven days after the procedure, during which Dr. Puebla will assess how well the treated areas are healing.


While there is visible improvement in the treated areas after liposuction, it may take several months for residual swelling to subside and reveal the final results. This procedure permanently removes pockets of body fat, but it is essential for patients to lead a healthy lifestyle after surgery to maintain their new contours.

Revision Policy

Patients who undergo elective surgery can have a revision procedure in the future. No matter which cosmetic procedure you opt for, your body and face will continue to age naturally. If you have excess weight on your body, you may still experience fat deposits that need to be taken care of with additional liposuction treatments. The same goes for wanting a bigger buttocks or hips, extra rounds of treatment may be necessary to achieve your desired result. Aging, sagging, scarring, and other changes are attributed mainly to genetics and your aftercare routine. Should you desire revision surgery one year after your initial procedure, necessary fees may be required for the hospital, surgical facility, lab work, and medical supplies or devices (i.e., breast or facial implants). These revision surgeries will be personalized per patient, and there will always be a discounted rate available for return patients. Only patients who follow the recommended postoperative protocol and attend all follow-up appointments will qualify for the revision policy and associated courtesies.