Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Also known as “brachioplasty,” arm lift surgery reshapes the upper arms to produce more slender and toned contours. Weight fluctuations and natural aging cause the arm skin to stretch and become loose, and fat deposits often accumulate in the upper arms as well. Over time, these conditions can cause embarrassing arm flab to hang off the upper arms.

Arm lift surgery improves the contours of the upper arms by:

  • Removing excess skin
  • Eliminating stubborn fat deposits
  • Tightening the underlying tissues
  • Achieving better definition and shape

Arm Lift Techniques:

Mini-Arm Lifts

Mini-arm lift procedure is an option for patients with not much excess of skin in the arms, or excess skin in the upper part of the arm, and for those patients concerned about scars. The incision is made in the armpit.

Arm Lift

A considerable amount of excess skin in the upper arm can be either the result of weight loss, aging, or hormonal changes. Most of these patients are avoiding wearing short-sleeved shirts because they dislike the shape of their upper arms. The arm lift/axillary lift is made with incisions on the upper arm and in the armpit.

The Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery

Wear the Clothing You Want

Arm lift patients who previously felt uncomfortable wearing clothing that revealed their arms report that they love being able to wear sleeveless and short-sleeved tops without worrying about the appearance of their arms.

Get Back Your Confidence

After undergoing arm lift surgery, patients experience a boost in confidence and self-esteem knowing that their arms are more slender, toned, and attractive.

Enduring Results

As long as the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle, the results of an arm lift procedure are generally permanent. The arms will continue to age naturally over time.

Revision Policy

Patients who undergo elective surgery can have a revision procedure in the future. No matter which cosmetic procedure you opt for, your body and face will continue to age naturally. If you have excess weight on your body, you may still experience fat deposits that need to be taken care of with additional liposuction treatments. The same goes for wanting a bigger buttocks or hips, extra rounds of treatment may be necessary to achieve your desired result. Aging, sagging, scarring, and other changes are attributed mainly to genetics and your aftercare routine. Should you desire revision surgery one year after your initial procedure, necessary fees may be required for the hospital, surgical facility, lab work, and medical supplies or devices (i.e., breast or facial implants). These revision surgeries will be personalized per patient, and there will always be a discounted rate available for return patients. Only patients who follow the recommended postoperative protocol and attend all follow-up appointments will qualify for the revision policy and associated courtesies.