Breast Augmentation

Aging, pregnancy, and other factors can change the appearance of a woman’s breasts. Some women are also born with disproportionately small or asymmetrical breasts that contribute to self-consciousness about their physique. Women who desire larger or more proportionate breasts may consider breast augmentation surgery to enhance their bust and body confidence. Dr. Pedro Puebla customizes all breast augmentation procedures to deliver results that complement every patient’s unique anatomy. The details of each surgery are determined during the initial consultation appointment.

Ideal Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Ideal candidates for breast augmentation can relate to some or all of the following cosmetic concerns:
Small breasts
Breast asymmetry
A more proportionate breast profile

Breast Augmentation Options

Incision Location

  • Inframammary: Incisions are made along the creases underneath the breasts.
  • Periareolar: Incisions are placed around the edges of the areolas.
  • Transaxillary: Incisions are created in the armpit area.

Implant Placement

Subglandular placement involves inserting implants beneath the natural glandular breast tissue but above the pectoral muscle. This approach is ideal for patients with enough existing breast tissue to conceal the edges of the implants.

Submuscular placement involves inserting implants beneath both the glandular tissue and pectoral muscle. This approach is appropriate for patients with insufficient existing breast tissue and helps achieve a natural-looking breast slope.

Implant Type

Silicone implants are made of a silicone shell filled with cohesive silicone gel.
Saline implants are made of a silicone shell filled with a sterile saltwater solution.
Gummy Bear implants are made of a silicone shell filled with highly cohesive silicone gel.


Breast augmentation patients can expect some bruising, swelling, and pain following their procedure, all of which can be managed with prescription medication and the use of the recommended surgical bra. Following all aftercare directions can also reduce side effects and make the recovery process more comfortable. Dr. Puebla offers all breast augmentation patients a two-night stay at the hospital for observation and to minimize the risk of postoperative complications. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled five to seven days after surgery to assess how the healing has progressed.


The breasts will be noticeably fuller following breast augmentation surgery, but the final results will become apparent once the swelling has resolved. It can take four to six months for residual swelling to subside and for the breasts to adjust to their new enhancements. Breast augmentation results are considered permanent, although certain factors (such as weight gain or loss, pregnancy, and the aging process) can affect the appearance of the breasts over time.

Revision Policy

Patients who undergo elective surgery can have a revision procedure in the future. No matter which cosmetic procedure you opt for, your body and face will continue to age naturally. If you have excess weight on your body, you may still experience fat deposits that need to be taken care of with additional liposuction treatments. The same goes for wanting a bigger buttocks or hips, extra rounds of treatment may be necessary to achieve your desired result. Aging, sagging, scarring, and other changes are attributed mainly to genetics and your aftercare routine. Should you desire revision surgery one year after your initial procedure, necessary fees may be required for the hospital, surgical facility, lab work, and medical supplies or devices (i.e., breast or facial implants). These revision surgeries will be personalized per patient, and there will always be a discounted rate available for return patients. Only patients who follow the recommended postoperative protocol and attend all follow-up appointments will qualify for the revision policy and associated courtesies.